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Milton Y. Dendy Lecture Series

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History of the Dendy Keynote Lecture Series

Milton Y Dendy was an Extension Specialist at the University of Georgia from 1955-1977. In 1980, the poultry section of the Association of Southern Ag Workers broke off from that group and, under the leadership of Dr. E.L. Stephenson (University of Arkansas) and Dr. Bob Harms (University of Florida) formed the Southern Poultry Science Society (SPSS).

Mr. Dendy was asked to serve as the first Secretary/Treasurer of SPSS, a position he held until 1992. In 1998, SPSS and SCAD (the Southern Conference on Avian Diseases) met together for the first time and the Dendy Lecture was created; the first Lecture was presented by Dr. Colin Whitehead of the Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Milton Y. Dendy Lecture Series

2018 Keynote Address , Michael Donohue, Agri Stats, Inc.,
"The Evolution of Broiler Production Programs since 1985 and Challenges in How Broilers Will Be Grown in Coming Years " (PDF format)

2017 Keynote Address, Dr. Charles Hofacre, University of Georgia,
"An Optimist's View on How We Will Maintain Broiler Gut Health and Performance in Today's NAE, Food Safety and Regulatory Climate " (PDF format)

2015 Keynote Address , Dr. Andrew Read, Pennsylvania State University,
"Can vaccines create hot viruses? Lessons from Marek's disease." (PDF format)

2014 Keynote Address , Dr. Michael Darre, University of Connecticut,
"Poultry Welfare: Expectations and Reality" (PDF format)

2013 Keynote Address, Dr. Terry Barr, CoBank,
"Drought, Debt and Politics Drive Economic and Poultry Outlook" (PDF format)

2012 Keynote Address, Dr. E.T. Moran, Auburn University,
"Egg, Embryonic Reserves & First Feed" (PDF format)

2007 Milton Y. Dendy Lecture Series, Dr. Michael Czarick, University of Georgia, "Poultry House Environmental Control - Past, Present and Future" (PDF format)

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